It is a special mixture of imunoglucans for immune system natural support. Its active substances can prevent development of angiogenesis (blood supplying of carcinoma cells) or intensify activity of certain immune cells (so called ”natural killers” – NK and macrophages) against a tumor.
Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) contains active substances of horseshoe mushroom, which is a very rare kind of mushroom growing on trees. The mushroom name is derived from its shape. Specialized literature in connection with consuming of this mushroom active substance describes a frequent spontaneous regress (partial or absolute shrinkage) of a tumor. Such unexpected shrinkages were observed especially at prostate metastases, liver cancer, lung cancer and head cancer. The mushroom showed its effectiveness during laboratory tests and tests on animals, at eradication of cancerous cells in brain, skin and oral cavity or generally at prevention of metastases formation. Active substances of horseshoe mushroom prevent angiogenesis (blood supplying of carcinoma cells) and intensify effect of certain cells of immune system. |
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They have also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgetic effects, they attenuate allergy symptoms and have a protective effect to the liver cells and stomach mucous membrane. Also their antioxidant action is not negligible. Some data in specialized literature admit the possibility that the horseshoe mushroom active substances exceed the effect of all polysaccharides examined in human body including extracts of other mushrooms and extracts of beta-D glucans of non-mushroom origin. Maybe just due to this fact the horseshoe mushroom was officially accepted as a cancer medicine in one overseas country.
Besides of horseshoe mushroom extracts the other active component of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) is an active substance of the Hen of the Woods (Grifola Frondosa) polysaccharide. Veterinary and clinical tests proved its efficiency at tumor diseases because it enhances immune system, improves health condition of patients and prevents growing of tumors and metastases. Clinical researches in Japan proved that at overwhelming majority of tumors thi polysaccharide combined with chemotherapy enhances the tumor therapy effect.
"By clinical study performed in Slovakia (NsP Dunajská Streda) we have confirmed:
Clinical studies and tests on animals proved that Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) can be effective also at complementary therapy of 2dn stage of diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. It can also ease the course of viral and bacterial infection and facilitate the treatment of upper air passages inflammation and asthma.
Also by this way we would like to accentuate that on the basis of international scientific literature data the active substances of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) – in contrast with other active polysaccharides – are absorbed also orally. Absorption of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) can be enhanced by taking of Acerola, which contains natural vitamin C and mineral substances.
Our target during development of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) was to offer oncological and other patients in Europe tested and internationally scientifically verified effective and wide-spectrum alternative on the basis of natural effective substances.
Horseshoe mushroom extract
Hen of the Woods (Grifola Frondosa) extract
Almond mushroom (Agaricus Blazei Murill) extract
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) extract
120 capsules/ package
Capsule material: gelatin
Drug dosage:
Based on experiences of pharmacists and coming out from our clinical tests we composed the recommended use of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) for oncological patients:
First three days 3 x 1 capsule
From 4th to 6th day 3 x 2 capsules
From 7th to 9th day 3 x 3 capsules
Maximum dosage 4 x 3 capsules daily
After achieving of recommended daily dosage (3x3 or 4x3 capsules daily) continue in this dosage until your health condition is improved.
In the case of intolerance for this nutrition additive we recommend to start by 2x daily with the content of capsule on the knife point. Then continue as from the first day of dosage.
Are you preparing for operation? Enhance your immune system 2 weeks before operation. Take 2x1 capsules for the first five days and then 2x2 capsules daily. Stop taking the preparation 3 days before operation. After operation we recommend to continue with taking of capsules since the day of solid food eating. The dosage is following: 1x1 capsule for the first five days, then 2x1 capsule etc. – so it is stated from the dosage start depending on health condition.
We recommend to take capsules 20 minutes before meal.
For body weight over 70 kg it is possible to apply the maximum dosage!
For people over 70 years we recommend to take Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) as a preventive therapy 2x1 up to 3x1 capsules daily. For every PROVITEX-FOR LIFE preparation we recommend gradual increasing of a daily dosage!
For immune system enhancement take 2x1 or 2x2 daily. Always start with lower dosage and increase it gradually.
If you suffering by diabetes mellitus or you have high level of cholesterol and triglycerides, we recommend daily dosage of 2x1 capsules or 2x2 capsules depending of the glucose level.
Do not exceed recommended daily dosage!
Taking of capsules does not replace varied food!
Keep out of reach of children!
Keep in dry and cold place!
For patients with chronic disease or advanced phase of cancer disease who are taking Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) it is possible that on the therapy start they will have a flatulence feeling. This feeling is temporary and lasts for 6-8 days. That effect is not evaluated as undesirable event but it is rather a consolidation (normalization) of bacterial intestinal microflora. At that symptom we recommend to take Acerola 2x1 capsules daily and Probioticum 2x1 pills daily (1 pill/ 9 billions units) at least during 10-14 days. During that period lower the dosage to 3x1 capsules daily. After consolidation of intestinal microflora start to increase daily dosage of Podkovičník MIX® (Horseshoe mushroom MIX) in weekly intervals.
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