Availability: In Stock
Content: 60 caps


The food supplement with the vitamin E, zinc and with extracts from the creeping Serenoa (Serenoa repens), roots of the dioecious nettle (Urtica dioica), cucurbit seeds (Cucurbita moscata), soya (Glycine soya) and ginseng (Panax ginseng).
Price: 40.20€ ( Ex Tax: 33.78€ )

The food supplement with the vitamin C, E, selenium, zinc and with extracts from the cucurbit seeds (Cucurbita moscata), soya (Glycine soya) and ginseng (Panax ginseng).

60 capsules/package


Enlarged prostate (prostatic hypertrophy) and inflammation of the prostate are the most characteristic diseases affecting older men in Europe and North America. Inflammation of the prostate is accompanied with uncomfortable itching pain, urge to urinate frequently, and the burning sensation. For enlarged prostate so called “intermittent urination” along with the urge to urinate frequently are the most significant symptoms that occur due to the fact that enlarged prostate presses against the urethra and therefore urine cannot flow continuously. Furthermore, enlarged prostate increases the pressure on the urinary bladder wall and thus increases the urge to urinate. In isolated cases enlarged prostate may result in occurrence of cancer and therefore it is necessary to treat both the inflammation and enlargement. It is not inconsiderable that prostate diseases negatively affect sexual activities of men and therefore “remedying” of such problems brings balance and harmony into both the family life and mental "self-respect" of a man.

Natural ingredients of capsules HAPPY MAN (extract from pumpkin seeds, soy isoflavonoids, ginseng extract) remove unpleasant symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, support normalization of enlarged prostate, remove the urge to urinate frequently, support easy and fast urinary bladder emptying, and correct sexual dysfunction caused by the above symptoms. Use of these natural substances may prevent occurrence of the above diseases. Vitamins C and E as well as zinc and selenium have strong anti-oxidizing effects and may participate in immunity strengthening.

EXTRACT FROM ROOTS OF DIOECIOUS NETTLE (Urtica dioica) as well as the plant itself is used to ease the eliminating and excretory function of the organism, in higher dosage it is used to dehydrate the organism, stimulates the function of excreting liquids from the body, contributes to the optimum functioning of the urinary tract. It contains minerals (iron) and reduces anaemia. It increases vitality – you will feel energized.

EXTRACT FROM CREEPING SERENOA (Serenoa repens): In case of a non-malignant swelling of the prostate gland, it functions as an adjuvant in the symptomatic treatment of urinary disorders in the BPH stage I. and II., maintains the normal function of the urinary system in men older than 45 years and ensures the normal flow rate of urine through the ureter. Its use is recommended as the source of fatty acids for maintaining the reproduction function.  The plant extract has a salutary effect on men´s health.

EXTRACT FROM CUCURBIT SEEDS (Cucurbita) – preserves the good function of the urinary bladder and the flow rate of the urinary tract, ensures the normal function of the prostate and contributes to the its good functioning. It contains a great amount of the vitamin B, C, D and K as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Cucurbit seeds contain also ordinary mineral antioxidants such as zinc and manganese. Phenol antioxidants are contained in cucurbit seeds, taking various forms, including phenol acids: hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, coumaric, ferulic, sinapic, protocatechuic, vanillic and syringaic. Antioxidant phytonutrients such as lignants can be found in cucurbit seeds too, including lignants - pinoresinol, medioresinol and lariciresinol.

EXTRACT FROM GINSENG (Ginseng) – improves concentration and coordination, stimulates the normal functioning of the cardio-vascular system, helps people have a high-quality sex life. It functions as an antioxidant and helps arouse and improve erection (900 mg/16 weeks). Ginsenosides contained in ginseng tranquilize in stress situations; it helps recover in the states of health such as fatigue, stress and recuperation. In greater dosage, it serves for strengthening – it gives the body missing energy and positive strength to live. It contributes to the protection of cells and helps maintain good cognitive performance. It contributes to the normal functioning of the blood circulation that is connected with the brain performance and creativity. It helps maintain mental and physical abilities in the case of weakness, , exhaustion, fatigue and loss of concentration. It contributes to the natural defensiveness and to the optimum functioning of the immune system, stimulates the production of T-cells that are part of the immune system and increases physical performance. It improves concentration and coordination. It helps maintain the normal level of glucose in blood as part of a healthy lifestyle - it contributes to the normal level of glucose. Ginseng increases physical endurance by stimulating sugar and degrading lactic acid.

EXTRACT FROM SOYA (Glycine soya)Soya beans are considered to be a full source of proteins that contain the greatest amount of all essential amino acids that must be present in the human body for the reason of the body´s inability to synthesise them. It contains a great amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphor, vitamin B1, B6, C, folates, potassium, saturated, nonsaturated and polysaturated fatty acids. 

VITAMIN E – contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

ZINC (Zn) - contributes to the normal level of testosterone in blood, fertility and the good reproduction activity, good metabolism of acids and bases, good cognitive function and  synthesis of proteins and DNA, to healthy hair, bones, nails and skin. It maintains good eyesight, contributes to the good functioning of the immune system. It contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress and to the good metabolism of sacharides; it plays a role in the cell division process.

Natural components will eliminate unpleasant symptoms of prostate inflammation and will make the swollen prostate normal, will eliminate frequent urge to urinate, will help empty the urinary bladder easily and fast, will alleviate sexual disorders in consequence of the mentioned symptoms. By using such natural substances, we can prevent the occurrence of the above-mentioned and cancer diseases.

Composition of 1 capcule   *DRD
Extract from creeping Serenoa(Serenoa repens) 200,00 mg n.d.
Extract from cucurbit seeds(Cucurbita) 150,00 mg n.d.
Extract from roots of dioecious nettle(Urtica dioica)   50,00 mg n.d.
2% content of essential oil     1,00 mg  
Extract from soya(Glycine soya)   50,00 mg n.d.
amount of isoflavonoids   20,00 mg  
Extract from ginseng(Panax ginseng)   50,00 mg n.d.
amount of ginsenosides     2,50 mg  
Zinc(Zn)   15,00 mg 150%
Vitamin E   10,00 mg 83,35%

DRD - daily recommended dose

n.d. – noncompulsory datum


Composition:  extract from fruits of the creeping Serenoa (Serenoa repens)- extract 2:1, extract from cucurbit seeds (Cucurbita) - extract 5:1, extract from roots of dioecious nettle (Urtica dioica) - extract 10:1, extract from soya (Glycine soya) - 40% content of isoflavonoids, extract from ginseng (Panax ginseng) – 5% content of ginsenosides, zinc (zinc oxide), vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), anticaking substance - aerosil, magnesium stereate, maltodextrin. Capsule material – gelatine.


Dosage: 2 x 1 capsule per day – in the morning and in evening before meals!

No side-effects were observed in the use of the food supplement. Its efficacy was confirmed by numerous clinical trials, scientific publications and folk medicine.

Warning: It is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Do not exceed the determined daily dose. It must not be taken as a substitute of varied diet. Store out of reach of small children, in a dry and dark place, at the temperature of 25°C.


Content: 60 capsules

Content weight: 33.0 g

If you wish to obtain more information about: prostate inflammation, enlarged prostate, sexual dysfunction, immunity strengthening, please contact us via telephone or e-mail!



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